Custom Mix
Lista de todas las combinaciones customs del servidor.
Ancient Hero’s Soul
- Set o Weapon Ancient +11+16 minimo.
Garuda’s Feather
- Wings S3 +13+16 minimo
- 30 Jewel of Bless
- 30 Jewel of Soul
- 30 Jewel of Chaos
Wings S4
- 10 Golden Sentence
- 1 Garuda’s Flame
- 1 Garuda’s Feather
- 30 Jewel of Bless
- 30 Jewel of Soul
- 30 Jewel of Creation
- 30 Jewel of Chaos
Wings S5 Relic
- Wings S4 +11+16 minimo
- 100 Jewel of Bless
- 100 Jewel of Soul
- 100 Jewel of Chaos
- 100 Jewel of Creation
- 100 Uriel Feathers
Wings S5
- 1 Relic 5th Wing
Divine Horse
- 5 Dark Horse
- 30 Jewel of Bless
- 30 Jewel of Soul
- 10 Jewel of Creation
- 1 Jewel of Chaos
Divine Spirit (Fire, Ice o Holy)
- 10 Dark Raven
- 30 Jewel of Bless
- 30 Jewel of Soul
- 10 Jewel of Creation
- 1 Jewel of Chaos
Dissamble Items Exce
Obtendremos una Jewel of Excellent.
- 5 Items Exce +0+0 minimo
- 10 Jewel of Chaos
Talisman of Chaos Assembly
- 25 Jewel of Creation